Your Goals, Plans, and Projects Have Energetic Movement

Dec 30, 2021 | Entrepreneurship, Intuitive Intelligence

Written by Lisa LaJoie

“Those who commit to their goals instantly turn the volume up for the Universe to hear.”  -Lisa LaJoie

When you make a plan or visualize a goal, it immediately creates an intention.  You can ignite your intention energetically by committing to it.  Write it down, feel and see the words on paper, and dedicate your energy and attention to creating action.    


Getting Clear on Your Intentions

To energetically grow your goals, be very clear about where you are going.  If you are undecided or wavering in your commitment, your energy won’t gather momentum and will not advance.  If you are stuck in “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know how to move forward,” your goal will get stuck, and it is unlikely you will be able to accomplish it to its full potential.


Visualize Until You Believe It

To give your goals, plans, and project energetic moment, be very clear on where you are and where you want to be.  Visualize the end goal with precision – notice the sights, the scent, what is happening around you, and how you feel at that moment.  Visualize it often so you can transport yourself to that place effortlessly, and wholeheartedly believe it is already a reality. 


5 Stages to Energetic Movement 

The idea that money and marketing can bring your goal to fruition is false. You are the only one that can bring your goals and plans into action.  Once you do, your actions and creativity will start to gain momentum and begin to move on its own.  


Give your plans and goals energetic movement with these five stages:

Stage 1 – clearly identify your goal

Stage 2 – commit to your goal by writing it down

Stage 3 – nourish the goal by understanding the starting point and the next steps

Stage 4 – Put your thoughts and emotions into your goal by placing it where you can see it and continuously feed into it

Stage 5 – pay attention to the signs that the universe is offering to support you


The energy surrounding a goal is only as powerful as the one feeding the goal. It has to become part of you so you will it into existence.  Know that you are a powerful being and that if you commit to a clear path, you can achieve it.  

Lose the Doubt

The universe knows.  Listening to the universe will allow you to understand if you are on the right path or if you need to shift your attention elsewhere.   Insecurities may get in the way, which will allow your doubts to deter your movement or stunt your growth.  Doubting yourself does not deliver results that offer any guidance.  Doubt prevents you from opening the door. 


The Universe Provides

Fight through the insecurities by believing in yourself and your abilities.  Allow yourself to own your future.  If you are on the wrong path, it will become evident as the signs and reactions from the universe will not sit well with you.  You will understand that adjustments have to be made to achieve your goals, and you will learn to make them by trusting your intuition and, ultimately, yourself.  

Believe you deserve to achieve your goals.  Trust in your ideas and commit by dedicating energy to the future. Once you do, momentum will happen, and you will feel the magic of the universe at work.



Lisa LaJoie

Lisa LaJoie is a highly sought-after Master Intuitive for Entrepreneurs and CEO’s who want intuitive guidance to solve complex business problems and accelerate their success. Lisa guides her clients to help them receive wisdom and opportunities to live their lives with clarity, purpose and abundance.

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